How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) by Supporting the Pineal Gland

Woman feeling happy with no seasonal affective disorder and healthy pineal gland

Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) By Supporting the Pineal Gland

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder that causes depression during the dark winter months. Also known as the “winter blues,” SAD typically lasts from September until April, reaching its peak during December, January, and February. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Pineal Gland

It is thought that seasonal affective disorder is caused by decreased light exposure during the fall, winter, and early spring. Some people may experience changes in their bodies that affect the amount of melatonin they produce, resulting in abnormalities of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine in the brain.

The pineal gland produces melatonin, which affects our circadian rhythm. During the colder months, we have fewer hours of daylight and spend most of our waking hours indoors. As a result, our bodies produce more melatonin, which can trigger SAD in some individuals. In addition to a higher production of melatonin, serotonin production is decreased during the winter as a result of the lack of daylight hours, which can lead to depression, decreased energy levels, and mood disruptions.

Supporting the Pineal Gland to Treat Winter Blues

While most individuals know that their SAD is temporary and will eventually fade away, it can have a severe impact on their quality of life for months at a time. Luckily, there are several natural treatment options available to help support those who battle SAD each year. 

Light Therapy

Since SAD is a mood disorder that is directly related to the levels of light we are exposed to during the winter months, it is only fitting to include light therapy, or phototherapy, in your treatment plan. This extra light will regulate your pineal gland and normalize your daily energy levels.

In a light therapy session, you will sit next to a device known as a light therapy box that emits a light that simulates natural sunlight. This treatment is safe and effective, as light therapy boxes filter out the harmful UV rays that can cause damage to the skin or eyes. Your doctor will help you determine the appropriate intensity level, duration, and timing of your treatments to best suit your needs.


The pineal gland plays an important role in hormone secretion, regulating the circadian rhythm, and the production of melatonin. With age and time, the pineal gland will accumulate calcium and fluoride in a process called mineralization. The more mineralization the pineal gland endures, the more likely it is to underperform. A decrease in pineal gland function can cause disrupted sleep patterns, psychological disorders, and decreased immune function. The keys to keeping the pineal gland healthy are developing good sleep hygiene and supporting the decalcification process (calciphylaxis) to help restore the optimal performance of the pineal gland. 

The Highland Wellness Center is your go-to resource for health supplements, nutraceuticals, and medical foods. Our online store is the easiest way to order products right to your door. We also recommend you schedule an appointment with one of our practitioners to discuss what combination of supplements would be best for your unique situation. We help patients every day manage and overcome chronic illness and pain. 

Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder with Treatments from the Highland Wellness Center

The pineal gland is an often-overlooked component of the endocrine system that can have a big impact on how our bodies function. Supporting the pineal gland using techniques such as light therapy, improved sleeping patterns, targeted supplementation is essential to keeping Seasonal Affective Disorder at bay.

However, seasonal depression can have many causes that may not be related to the pineal gland. At the Highland Wellness Center, Drs. Duffy and Johnson believe in the Law of Three, the three forces involved in disease expression, the structure, chemistry, and psyche (Emotion). They aim to get to the cause of your problems and promote true healing, not just symptom management. We promote health care, not disease care. 

You can find relief from seasonal affective disorder through our personalized combination of Applied Kinesiology, Functional Medicine, and Nutrition. Poor posture, cranial faults, and structural misalignments may be affecting your mood. Your muscles might be holding in tension. Our goal at the Highland Wellness Center is to discover what’s hindering your body from experiencing its full energy and vitality. 

Some supplements and structural corrections to consider to support your body during this process include:

  • Full-body applied Kinesiology Adjustment
  • Sunshine/light therapy (Vitamin D)
  • Pineal gland extract
  • Protein (Amino Acids), especially nine essential 
  • B12 & B6 
  • 5 HTP/tryptophan
  • Omega 3’s 
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Iodine
  • Melatonin (if deficient) 
  • Oregano oil
  • Raw apple cider vinegar
  • L-Theanine

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