
We treat the whole patient, not just the disease

Prevent Breast Cancer with Thermography

Breast thermography is a “do no harm” approach to breast cancer screening and early detection. With breast cancer rates on the rise and more young women being diagnosed every year, women are seeking early diagnosis and preventative care.

Most women expect to begin annual breast screenings at age 40, but most have not yet embraced the annual mammogram. Most young women postpone or avoid their annual breast cancer screenings due to fear and anxiety, which can lead to avoidable health complications in the future.

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Mammograms VS Thermography


While mammography has been the gold standard of breast cancer screenings since the 1950’s, most women are excited to learn that there is another option available to them. The camera used by DITI imaging is the only FDA- registered thermal imaging medical camera on the market, specifically designed for medical screenings.

DITI is a non-invasive screening method that is completely pain-free and radiation-free. Thermography is a quick and easy procedure that utilizes an infrared imaging camera to detect abnormal skin temperatures, which can be an indication of tissue inflammation.

Thermography can often indicate potential problem areas in the breast tissue years earlier than a mammogram can. Where mammography is a test of anatomy that looks for masses, thermography is a test of physiology and looks for functional changes in the breast tissue which may indicate problem areas before a mass begins to form.

Ready to Get Started

Since 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, early detection is essential.  It is crucial that ALL women perform not only their monthly self-examination, but also see their healthcare professional for a physical exam and have an annual breast cancer screening.

To learn more about the difference between Thermography vs. Mammography, follow this link.

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Get Started Today

Step 1 New Patient Exam

Plan for a 60-minute consultation with your doctor to review your health history, your goals, and address your questions or concerns.

Step 2: Diagnostic Testing

We will run comprehensive, science-based diagnostic tests to create your personalized roadmap to total wellness. We don't guess - we test!

Step 3: The Journey

Our team is here to support you throughout your healing journey, and will be with you every step of the way.