Thyroid Disease

We treat the whole patient, not the disease

Get to The Root Cause of Your Thyroid Issues!

Are You Struggling With:

  • Weight Loss Resistance
  • Fatigue
  • Morning Headaches
  • Depression
  • Constipation
  • Sensitivity To Cold Weather
  • Dry or Brittle Hair
  • Thinning Hair
  • Itchy Dry Skin
  • Chronic Digestive Problems

Schedule Your Discovery Call

Then it's Time to Determine if Thyroid Disease is Causing Your Symptoms!

two ways

Are you on medication but still suffering from symptoms of thyroid dysfunction? Most doctors put patients on synthetic thyroid medications (and tell them it’s for life), but don’t address the immune system element.

Meanwhile, you are left suffering from low thyroid symptoms (hair loss, fatigue, weight loss resistance etc.) because the root cause was never addressed! 
If the autoimmune component, ( Hashimotos) is present, this must be managed, (or properly diagnosed for that matter), in order to get optimum results.
Many doctors only test for TSH, and if you are in the normal medical range they tell you its normal. Well, their normal and our normal are not the same. We look at “Optimum” or “Functional” ranges which are in a tighter range for yes “optimum” function.   It’s simply, “Here’s a medication, let’s see you back in 6 months!” Or, “lets see what happens in 6 months, if it gets worse we can put you on synthroid, and you’ll have to take it  for the rest of your life”.
This is a very poor medical approach and leaves people feeling miserable and hopeless.  You may be an “underconverter” which is the inability to properly convert T4 to T3, or you may simply have a nutritional deficiency of Iodine or tyrosine, or iron for that matter which may impair your ability to even make T4!!
If you are not satisfied with the answers your getting, schedule a discovery call or book an appointment to discuss your situation. We are here for you.

Our Approach to Thyroid Treatment is Unique & Different!

Let’s say you have the autoimmune thyroid condition called Hashimoto’s.

To heal, we must first take the stress off the immune system. We do that via food testing! Your immune system reacts to all foods you consume. Some reactions are good and others can be harmful. We test roughly 100 different foods to determine exactly how your immune system reacts, and we provide you with an acceptable “master food list” that your immune system responds well to!

We don't guess - we test!

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Get Started Today

Step 1 New Patient Exam

Plan for a 60-minute consultation with your doctor to review your health history, your goals, and address your questions or concerns.

Step 2: Diagnostic Testing

We will run comprehensive, science-based diagnostic tests to create your personalized roadmap to total wellness. We don't guess - we test!

Step 3: The Journey

Our team is here to support you throughout your healing journey, and will be with you every step of the way.