Worth the Investment: Naturopathic Medicine Costs and Benefits

For millions across the United States, naturopathic medicine costs seem out of reach. They continue to seek conventional treatment to find relief, but a traditional approach doesn’t provide long-term answers. Naturopathic medicine offers real-world solutions for all health conditions, regardless of how long you’ve had them or how complicated they seem. 

Here is a look at how naturopathic medicine benefits you and why it’s a worthwhile investment in your health.

Results Backed by Research

In 2019, the National Library of Medicine released some astonishing results in its study of naturopathic medicine, proving that positive outcomes balance naturopathic medicine costs.

The study was a compilation of numerous research resources developed worldwide. These studies found that naturopathic medicine was effective for many medical conditions, including diabetes, PCOS, chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, depression and anxiety, and many chronic conditions.

The Body as a Whole

The success of naturopathic medicine is based on the healing power of nature, and it looks at the body as a whole. Wellness plans focus on uncovering the root causes of a problem and addressing those causes instead of focusing on relieving the symptoms of medical conditions.

Traditional medicine takes a “pill for every ill” approach to symptom relief, and patients rely on a host of pharmaceuticals to mask their conditions. Unfortunately, the cause of the symptoms is never fully addressed, and the symptoms return as soon as the medications stop.

Healer as Teacher

Another distinguishing factor of naturopathic medicine is the view that each patient is responsible for the health of their body and mind. This means naturopathic providers explain each step of their plan—from the evaluations to the root causes of a condition—and provide specific guidance to help patients achieve their health goals.

Demystifying Naturopathic Medicine Costs

Many believe that naturopathic medicine costs are higher than conventional medicine. However, naturopathic providers include many services in their visits that traditional medicine doesn’t. These may include:

  • Lower-cost lab testing services
  • Supplements
  • Lifestyle and nutritional coaching
  • Extended office visits lasting up to, or more than, an hour
  • Smaller practices and a personalized approach
  • Comprehensive wellness plans

Naturopathic Medicine Costs as a Tax Deduction?

While over-the-counter alternative medicines you purchase without medical guidance, like those found online or at a health store, aren’t eligible for a tax deduction, those given by an alternative medicine provider frequently are.

Check state and federal tax laws or consult a professional tax advisor to learn if your naturopathic medicine costs are tax deductible

Ways Naturopathic Medicine Costs Save You Money

Naturopathic medicine provides many cost-saving benefits, from lowering your reliance on costly prescriptions to developing healthy habits that keep you out of the doctor’s office in the first place.

1. One Office Provides All Your Care

In a conventional medicine world, you see many doctors to treat each health concern you have. An allergist, a dermatologist, a cardiologist, and an endocrinologist are all examples of individual specialists that play a role in your healthcare.

The results are predictable. Each visit requires a referral from a primary care doctor, with a doctor’s bill for the referral alone. Then, each specialist charges an office visit and additional services. Each visit requires diagnostics to address your medical concerns, and then these providers likely prescribe medications. As an additional financial burden, specialists frequently wish to see patients before refilling prescriptions. 

Even with insurance, this splintered approach is costly. You are responsible for some of the charges for each provider you see.

It’s also potentially dangerous when multiple providers are prescribing medications that may interact with others you are taking.

In naturopathic medicine, costs are streamlined through a single provider’s fee because naturopathic providers use a holistic, whole-body approach to healthcare.

2. An Investment in Your Future Health

Naturopathic providers believe that prevention is the best medicine. Early intervention is the key to keeping minor conditions from developing into complex ones and is an essential aspect of every wellness plan. If your long-term goal is to stay healthy, active, and happy for life, naturopathic medicine costs are well worth the investment.

3. Reduces Reliance on Prescription Medications

Uncovering the underlying reasons behind your symptoms is a priority with the holistic approach. Once these root causes are addressed, your body’s ability to heal and maintain balance is restored. You will rely less on prescription and over-the-counter medications to relieve symptoms such as pain, allergies, GI issues such as bloating, reflux, diarrhea and constipation, fatigue, and common colds.

Prioritizing Naturopathic Medicine Costs

If choosing a holistic approach for your healthcare needs is an effective way to feel great again, how do you prioritize naturopathic medicine costs to ensure you get the care you need?

1. Plan and Budget

When you make your monthly budget, include the costs of your naturopathic care so that you can prepare in advance.

2. Dedicate a Card

Have one credit card dedicated to naturopathic medicine costs, and be sure not to use it for any other purpose. 

3. Skip the Morning Coffee

Many of us spend too much money on brand-name coffees in the morning and may drink them throughout the day to maintain alertness. If cafe coffee is your morning go-to, consider buying your favorite name-brand coffee and making it at home. As you work with a naturopathic provider, you will likely find yourself with more energy and may need to rely less on that daily caffeine! 

4. Pack a Lunch

An essential part of your naturopathic wellness plan involves making sound nutritional choices. Packing lunch saves money and allows you to follow your diet plan consistently at work.

5. Plan Your Meals

It’s a good idea to go grocery shopping with a list of ingredients you will need to prepare meals. When shopping, stick to the list and don’t give in to spontaneous purchases. This is a great tip for saving money and a guaranteed way to stay on the diet your naturopathic provider recommended as part of your comprehensive wellness plan.

It’s Time to Make an Important Investment in Your Future

Doctor Jenna Blasi, ND, understands that naturopathic medicine costs may keep some people from making the most important call they will ever make. That’s why Dr. Jenna has payment options and varying investments available, as nothing should interfere with achieving our health goals. The truth is, we either invest now or pay later. 

It’s time to make the call and find out how Dr. Jenna can help you have it all. Reach out and schedule your discovery call with her team, to get started today.

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