Dr. Jenna Blasi, ND Understands Why Wellness Matters

Compassion is the deeply rooted desire to change the world positively. For Dr. Jenna Blasi, ND, compassion comes from a place of shared experiences. She has been where her patients are—suffering from symptoms and unsure how to start feeling better. 

Dr. Jenna has a lifelong commitment to sharing why wellness matters and how to achieve a healthy, vibrant life.

She believes that it’s possible to experience great sleep, feel amazing, and have restored energy, emotional stability, and hormonal balance—all while having a successful career and home life. Dr. Jenna\’s mission is to show women that they really can ‘have it all’.

On the Stage

Dr. Blasi learned about maintaining a healthy balance from an unusual place: the teachers in her college theater department. In an interview with Organic Spa Magazine, Dr. Jenna explains, 

“We had no understudies for our performances, so if you were an actor, you could never get sick! Our teachers would tell us about what vitamins to take, proper nutrition, and getting enough sleep, and I started to see a real change.” 

Dr. Jenna sought the help of a naturopathic doctor to address other health issues she was experiencing. After finding her healthy balance restored through the powers of naturopathic medicine and her own body’s unique healing abilities, Dr. Jenna knew she wanted to share her experience with others.

A Lifelong Journey Begins

Dr. Jenna Blasi’s journey to becoming a naturopathic doctor has lasted more than 20 years and includes botanical studies, whole food cooking school, and graduating with highest honors from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (now Sonoran University of Health Sciences).

Healthy and Fit

Dr. Blasi\’s expertise covers many facets of health, from lifestyle to environmental and nutritional needs. She is a fitness instructor and lecturer who has spoken on natural health topics, including mindfulness and why wellness matters. She combines natural therapies with conventional approaches as needed and is a certified Core Synchronism practitioner.

Dr. Jenna Blasi Understands Why Wellness Matters

At its heart, wellness means being in optimal physical, emotional,  and mental health. Naturopathic doctors understand that the body is a complex network of individual systems, each impacting the others. The entire network ceases to function properly if even one system is out of balance.

Your physical well-being affects your mental and emotional well-being, and vice versa, which is why wellness matters so much. You can’t truly enjoy the fulfilling life you deserve unless you are balanced physically and emotionally.

Dr. Blasi focuses on whole-body health and wellness, giving her patients the tools and information they need to thrive, not just survive. For Jenna, wellness is an intentional journey empowered by healthy choices.

Healthy Bodies

Your body is designed to heal itself. With proper nutrition and self-care, it maintains its balance. Symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, brain fog, and depression indicate that something is not right in your body. These are never stand-alone conditions, and restoring a healthy balance means finding and addressing the source of the symptoms.

Healthy Minds

Women are twice more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression than men and are more likely to have several mental disorders throughout their lives. High levels of stress exacerbate these conditions, which lead to physical problems like reproductive issues, GI disorders, and heart problems.

Women are also more likely to suffer the symptoms of their emotional imbalances, which include sleep disturbances, headaches, lack of energy, irritability, social isolation, forgetfulness, and alcohol or drug abuse.

A healthy mind goes hand in hand with a healthy body, which is why wellness matters both physically and emotionally.

Healthy Environments

Did you know that the average woman uses twelve personal care products daily? These products alone expose her to an estimated 168 ingredients and chemicals. Cosmetics, lotions, hair care products, and soaps are just a few sources of these toxins. Exposure to toxins impacts our bodies in unexpected ways, including skin disorders, GI diseases, and respiratory illnesses.

Air pollution, mold, and chemicals hide in everything from plastic water bottles to carpeting and furniture. Finding these toxins and eliminating them whenever possible is a crucial part of restoring your whole-body balance.

Healthy Diets

As a prior teacher of whole food cooking classes, Dr. Jenna Blasi understands the difference a good diet makes in restoring your health. Her customized wellness program includes specific dietary suggestions and tips. 

But Dr. Jenna also understands that the only way dietary adjustments will succeed is if you follow them. She explains that patients are frequently worried that she will ask them to give up coffee or other foods they enjoy. She advises patients that she isn’t in the business of prohibiting all ‘fun’ food, as this wouldn’t likely be sustainable over time.

“I work with you, and my individualized treatment plans are designed to work with what’s best for you,” Dr. Jenna explains.”I’m not interested in giving you long lists of what you have to avoid. Wellness is balanced and we work together to determine what this will look like for you.”

Healthy Social Lives

Humans are wired to connect with others. Without these connections, we become isolated, anxious, and depressed. Women’s lives today are full of commitments and obligations from work and family. Imbalanced bodies and minds lead to a lack of motivation or desire to interact with anyone outside your home or office.

This is another reason why wellness matters. It’s important to restore your physical and emotional well-being so you have the energy to nurture these vital relationships.

Dr. Jenna Blasi’s Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness

Dr. Jenna’s personalized approach to any medical condition involves planning a comprehensive wellness program, catered to each patient’s needs. These plans empower patients to regain control of their own health by addressing their health concerns using a whole-body, natural approach.

Your first visit involves a detailed look at your risk factors—including genetics, dietary needs, environment, and lifestyle. She also looks at your wellness goals.  In her programs, Dr. Jenna includes comprehensive lab tests to uncover the root causes of your medical condition.

Dr. Jenna uses this knowledge to create your unique wellness plan and provides you with the knowledge and education you need to help your body help itself. She will be your partner in health, ensuring you aren’t alone in your journey to wellness.

As a busy working mother of two, Dr. Jenna understands why wellness matters. She fought her own health battles before finding a naturopathic doctor to restore her health. She explains, “I’ve been there. I had adrenals that were suffering, hormone imbalances that led to irritability and mood swings, and hypoglycemia that had me struggling to figure out how and what to eat to best fuel my body.”
Dr. Jenna has been guiding women to find optimal health, hormones, and energy for years. She believes that no woman should settle for feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and drained. Find out why wellness matters and how you can find the best version of yourself, starting with your free, no obligation discovery call