How a Comprehensive Wellness Program Restores a Healthy Balance

Are you feeling sluggish and exhausted? You’re not alone. A surprising study reported by Family Safety & Health in 2020 found that feeling tired more than three days per week is considered “normal” by many women. But feeling tired isn’t normal, and you can regain your balance naturally. The good news is, a comprehensive wellness program can unlock your body’s natural abilities to heal, restore balance, and increase your energy.

Your Condition Didn’t Happen Overnight

Feeling overwhelming fatigue and struggling through your days, hoping to “just make it to bedtime,” is unacceptable. When did your life become “coping” instead of living?

To understand why you’re feeling unwell, you first need to recognize that your body is composed of many complex systems, each working in coordination with the others. When one system is unbalanced, the entire network is affected.

The process is slow. You didn’t know that having an “off day” was a symptom of an evolving cycle of exhaustion and feeling unwell. 

In the beginning, your body was able to fight its imbalances. You likely developed coping mechanisms:

  • Caffeine and other stimulants
  • Alcohol
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Giving up your social calendar 

As the imbalances grew, your exhaustion worsened, but you continued coping. Now, you accept that this imbalance is your “new normal” or a “natural part of the aging process.” 

You shouldn’t have to settle for feeling this way. A comprehensive wellness program restores your balance by addressing the underlying cause of your conditions.

Your Coping Mechanisms Worsen Your Condition

The things you rely on to increase your energy levels worsen your condition and lead to more complications. Now, you’re not just feeling tired. You’re also experiencing:

  • Stress and irritability
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Digestive upsets
  • Poor sleep
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Brain fog
  • Inflammation
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Weakness
  • Depressed immune system/frequent illness

These are not random, unrelated symptoms. Each is a sign of imbalances in your body. Restoring balance is only possible if the underlying cause of your symptoms is addressed.

Your Fatigue Is a Symptom of Something Deeper

Fatigue isn’t a stand-alone condition. It’s your body’s warning that something isn’t right. 

Your exhaustion stems from any number of underlying conditions, including:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Systemic and chronic health conditions
  • Medications
  • Lifestyle 
  • Mental health disorders

It’s essential to schedule a visit with your naturopathic doctor as soon as possible to uncover the underlying causes of your condition and create your comprehensive wellness program.

What is a Comprehensive Wellness Program?

Each person is unique, and the causes of fatigue are different for everyone. A comprehensive wellness program considers your health factors and provides a customized plan to restore your health and help you maintain it.

Uncover Risk Factors and Underlying Causes

The first step to a healthy, energized life involves a detailed look at your medical history, lifestyle, and dietary, environmental, and genetic factors that play a role in your condition.

Comprehensive lab testing is an important part of this discovery process and includes (among others):

  • Thyroid function
  • Hormonal testing
  • Micronutrient testing
  • Autoimmune antibodies
  • Inflammatory markers
  • Blood sugar analysis
  • Kidney and liver function
  • Stress hormones

If needed, testing may also include:

  • Heavy metal testing
  • Mold exposure tests
  • Gut microbiome tests

Your customized wellness plan is created based on your health profile and is designed to be sustainable for you over time.

Your Customized Comprehensive Wellness Program 

Your wellness plan addresses the underlying causes of your condition and tackles them on many different levels, including preventing, balancing, and restoring your health.

Prevention: Prevention includes strengthening your body to keep your condition from worsening and stopping new ones before they start. It is a holistic approach consisting of adjusting your diet, lifestyle, and environment to achieve your health goals.

Balance: Your wellness coach empowers you to achieve and maintain a healthy balance in your life, both physically and mentally. This may include ways to reduce stress, recognize your body’s warning signals, and achieve wellness naturally. Balancing is finding healthy ways to adapt before imbalances occur. This balance includes many factors, including dietary changes, environmental adjustments, etc.

Restore: Restoring your health begins with recognizing your body’s ability to heal naturally. Your comprehensive wellness program gives you the information and tools you need to help your body help itself. This may include supplements, therapies, lifestyle changes, addressing your emotional well-being, and adjusting your environment and diet.

What a Comprehensive Wellness Plan Is

Your comprehensive wellness program is your customized map to better health. It provides the tools and information you need to help your body regain balance. In other words, a comprehensive wellness program enables you to help yourself.

Your wellness coach will be with you every step of the way for encouragement, plan modifications if necessary, and whatever else you need to keep moving forward.

What a Comprehensive Wellness Plan Is Not

Your plan is not designed to remove all the “fun” from your life. Your wellness coach isn’t interested in giving you a list of “eat this, not that” items for the rest of your life. The only effective plan is one you want to follow, so your program and goals are designed to be achievable.

Your wellness plan isn’t a “one-and-done” approach. It’s a commitment to restoring and maintaining your health—both now and in the future. 

Dr. Jenna Blasi’s Approach to Comprehensive Wellness Programs

Dr. Jenna Blasi, ND, has been helping women just like you with natural, comprehensive wellness plans designed to restore health and vitality. 

Dr. Jenna approaches each patient with compassion and understanding because she has been there herself. She explains, “I had adrenals that were suffering, hormone imbalances, irritability and mood swings, and hypoglycemia. The good news? I changed all that, and you can, too.”
There has never been a better time to take back your health. Learn more about how Dr. Jenna’s health and wellness programs give you back the energy, focus, and motivation you’ve been missing. Your journey to health starts now with a free, no-obligation discovery call.