Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

The role of community and your optimal health

Community is so important, especially at times when you least expect it. It can lift up your spirits, provide support and help you get through difficult times physically and emotionally. Community can be your family, friends or co-workers. It is the people that you surround yourself with to help you achieve your goals. It can be your health goals, work goals or personal goals. Your community of support is vital to achieving your best life and optimal health. The best thing about your community is they can lift you up when you least expect it.

Let me give you an example of what I mean. During the holiday season, I celebrate Christmas. This year for Christmas, all of my siblings were spending time with their in-laws and it left me alone for Christmas. I love spending time with my family so, while I didn’t express my disappointment, I was saddened to think I might be alone on Christmas. About a week before Christmas, one of my friends from my first job out of college texted me to invite me to spend Christmas Eve with her family. This was an invitation that I happily accepted because I love this family both the parents and the kids. Then a few days later another friend’s sister invited me to her open house on Christmas Day.

And just like that, I now had Christmas plans with loving families. This is the power of community. Neither of my guests had any idea that I was without my family for Christmas. They just wanted to include me as part of their community.

Hopefully what you see from this example is when you have a community of support it can boost your spirits and it can boost your health.

We were not placed on this planet to live alone. We were placed on this planet to live in community. At our office, we feel that building a community around your health helps you to achieve your health goals more quickly with more lasting success. If you have been searching for a community that models and teaches healthy living, with community support, you’re in the right place. Now you have the opportunity to join our community and help you get the life and the health you deserve.

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

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