Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

Are you fully showing up and engaging in your life?

I was sharing this image with one of my dear friends and she told me not to use this quote because people don’t like to think about death.  But my desire to share it isn’t driven by wanting you to think about death. I want you to think about life.  

I really want you to think about your life.  Are you fully showing up?

Life is wonderful when you have people that you love in your life with you.  But need you not forget, you have to have health to be present for yourself and your community. Are you present for your family and your community?

There are so many times that we get caught up in our work and responsibilities that we fail to show up for ourselves and people that we love.  Have you ever been to a funeral and said “I can’t believe they’re no longer with us, I should have done _____ with them?”

If you have, then you know what I am talking about.  You have to live life to the fullest when you are here!  You have to have your health so you can focus on the people and the things that are important to you. 

I want you to think about your life! 

When you ignore the pain you are in or that you are short of breath;, simply put you are not engaging in your life.  When the doctor tells you that your numbers are high and you don’t do anything different to change them, you are not engaging in your life.  When you take medications and you still don’t feel better, you are not engaging in your life.

I want you to engage in your life.  Engaging in your life means that you are energized and both mentally and physically present when your family wants to do things with you. You don’t miss the special occasions or moments because you were working or not feeling well.  

If you are like most of us, this will likely require lifestyle or habit changes.  If you are like most of us, you might have tried to make changes before and they didn’t work so you gave up.  If you really want to create change, consider having a mentor or coach who can see where you are going wrong and help you make the corrections you need to create success.  You don’t have to be ashamed that you are not the expert needed to get your health back. You just have to be open and willing to allow the right coach to teach and train you to get you back on track.  Bringing the right coach into your life and community will allow you to make better choices so you can fully show up in your life!

If you are ready to better understand what I am talking about, come and learn about how we help you create simple lifestyle habits that allow you to begin fully engaging in your life!

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

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