Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

When your inner guidance is speaking to you... are you listening?

When your inner guidance is speaking to you, are you listening? This is the question that has come up from five different sources over the course of the week. It has come up in a conversation with my therapist, in a church sermon, on a podcast… you get the picture. Each time I found myself in a conversation, the message was the same — find time to be still and listen to my inner guidance, especially during this time.

Understand that I have a faithful meditation practice that I do every day. So, it is not necessarily about meditating more (even though that is never a bad thing to do). Instead, the message I heard was about being still.

Most of the messages about listening to your inner guidance are in response to the world feeling crazy and people not knowing what to do, in an attempt to feel more grounded and stable. Does this sound familiar to you?

You see, it is quite common that when people feel out of control of their finances, work, family or emotions, they get too busy to push down the feelings of inadequacy. These feelings often cause anxiety and fear that release stress hormones in our body. These can make feel tired, lose sleep, gain weight and, overtime, contribute to so many diseases. You see, the thoughts and emotions with experience each day can and do contribute to disease.

Truly being still means to stop overworking, overthinking, overcooking, overexercising, in essence to stop trying to constantly overachieve. Stop trying to check off ‘all the boxes’ on the ever-present to-do list.

I believe to be still means to sit and do quiet things to check off the boxes. For me, this means getting quiet and listening to the voice of God. For you, it might not mean listening to God, instead it might mean listening to the universal guidance, or that small voice inside of you. Regardless of the source, being still will always calm the mind and reduce stress.

You might be thinking “what is it that I need to be still about?”. Each of us needs a certain level of guidance in life, directing us to our next steps personally and professionally. For myself, when I am still it brings me clarity, creativity, energy and enthusiasm to channel into all areas of my life.

Because I am a small business owner, my work always impacts my personal life and time. As I make decisions about what is important to me personally, it impacts my business and vice versa. This cyclical relationship can be stressful at times.

Sitting with my inner guidance helps create clarity and division between my work and home life. This is especially crucial now since work and home life are all happening in the same place.

The reminder to be still has actually created more spacious in the last few days. The message to listen to my inner guidance was received and I am better for it, less stressed and more excited about my future plans.

What is your inner guidance telling you? If you stop to listen, you might hear the clarity you need to begin reclaiming your health from a mental, emotional and physical perspective.

If you want to talk about your health, reach out to set up a free 15-minute conversation.

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

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