Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

Break the cycle of anxiety and overwhelm.

The greatest thing about preparation is that it reduces feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.  The reason for this is simple. Preparation allows you to feel like you know the next step to take to get to where you want to go.  We see many people in our practice that suffer from anxiety and depression. These days, it is unfortunately all too common. 

The combination of our fast-paced society and the expectations that we place on ourselves, about who we are and where we should be at the stage of life we are in, make it easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious.  Fear of losing what we have worked so hard for, or not being where we thought we should be, can create anxiety and depression. When we couple that with poor diets, lack of exercise and reduced time with family, friends and vacation it is a recipe for poor mental health.  Yet we keep setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves, thus ending up with anxiety and depression.  

The worst part of anxiety and depression is the lack of energy and motivation to change. Getting out of the vicious cycle can seem impossible.  This is where preparation and simple to follow solutions can break the cycle. Preparation can seem out of reach unless you have someone mentoring you to take the needed steps and help you overcome the challenges that life is putting in front of you.  Using a step by step approach and learning simple tools can be game changers.

There are absolutely holistic solutions for anxiety and depression that work better than conventional medicine and can become a permanent part of your life moving forward.  The key is to prioritize food, nutritional support, emotional support, movement & exercise, and take it step by step. This multi-faceted approach is so simple, yet so effective. You’ll wish you had started years ago.  Come find out more about how you can get a fresh outlook and your life back at our next free presentation. Isn’t it time you took action? Call our office at 202-291-2230 to find out more!

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

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