Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

Yes, the greatest wealth is health!

It might surprise you to find out that one of my all time favorite books is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.  On the surface, it is book about how to make money but underneath it is so much more.  It is one of the most popular books in the world on self-achievement. I listen to it in the summer every year when I go to the beach for vacation. It has so much inspiration and wisdom about how to live a wonderful and full life.

This summer, I stumbled across the section called “The 30 major causes of failure, how many of these are holding you back”.  This time around, I really listened with new ears and was fascinated by the list.  Perhaps it is because I’m so close to 50 and have experienced so many of these ‘causes’ in my life that I could relate in a new way.  I started to notice how many of the ‘causes’ also are obstacles for people working to get their health back.   They directly relate to failure in health as well. 

It is not surprising that ill health is the 6th cause of failure on the list. It is the only one that has subsections out of the entire list of 30!  When you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.  Even when talking about creating wealth, you have to have your health!  Napoleon Hill wrote this book after 30 years of interviewing successful men and developing his philosophy. The most successful men at the time like Thomas Edison believed that health was one of the keys to wealth.  So it is worth considering that your health deserves more attention than we give it according to our current society.

I think these ‘causes’ are worth sharing one at a time in these newsletters, over the next few months.  

If you are ready to go from failure to success come learn about to create a blueprint for your health and your life at our next free presentation!

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

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