Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

We all need more TIME

A few weeks ago, I stumbled across an interview with Jay Shetty. He was giving tips on how to handle stress during this time when things are constantly changing. I loved an acronym he used — TIME. I am going to give you the highlights from his interview or, if you have 8 minutes to hear the full message, click here to view his interview with Oprah.

Jay Shetty is a former monk and has one of the most popular podcasts the world. When we talk about health concerns, we have to deal with stressful moments and experiences. Stress can suppress the immune system and worsen any health condition. So whenever I can find a tool to help you improve your mindset, it will always improve your physical health as well. I have to say I love the way he explains meditation. It is one of the most simple explanations I have ever heard.

He talks about how to navigate these frustrating experiences using TIME:

  • Thankfulness

  • Inspiration

  • Meditation

  • Exercise

Having gratitude for the things that we do have is a powerful way to reduce stress and boost our immune system. While it is important to have gratitude, it is even more powerful to express it to others. So send a note or make a call and tell someone why you are grateful for them or something they have done to assist you. Make sure that it is heartfelt.

Practice daily inspiration. It is not about reading something for inspiration it is about practicing on a daily basis. It could be a poem, bible verse or even a phrase that really resonates for you.

Jay has a simple definition of meditation: setting a meeting with yourself. Meditation is exactly that, spending time with yourself. He recommends that you start with 5 minutes. When you spend 5 minutes with yourself on a consistent basis you will enjoy it so much you will be able to expand it naturally. Here are 2 great questions to start with: How am I feeling today? What can I do to feel better today?

Getting some movement in your day is a must. It can be anything, as long as you are moving your body for a few straight minutes every day.

Jay shared four simple things that do not take much time but can transform your life. Make sure that you take time to create a little TIME to put yourself first. If you want help getting your health back, contact our office so we can talk about how to create a plan that incorporates mindfulness along with science and testing. The holistic approach is what sets us apart from other medical practices.

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