Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

Small changes = big attitude shifts.

I have lived alone for 8 years since my Grammy passed away. While living with her, I used to go into her room and say good morning to her each day. I don’t have that anymore, so I need something else to break the silence of the night before. I got into the mindless habit of turning on the TV in the morning. Have you gotten into the habit of just flipping on the TV when you get up or when you get home from work?

These days, I can’t start my morning listening to the madness of the world. If I did, I would be crazy before 9:00 am.

So, I went back to a much more fun habit of listening to music in the morning. I love music and it breaks the silence from sleep in a much more beautiful and uplifting way. I always choose music that helps lift me into my day. I choose music that I often dance and sing to as I am getting dressed (yes, I only sing in the privacy of my home, because I can’t carry a tune and I have offended my friends’ ears in the past! LOL).

Another pro to listening to music instead of the news is you can use it as a tool to set your mindset for the day, based on the lyrics that you listen to. Get your blood circulating by throwing in 5 minutes of dancing and feel your body, heart and mind awaken. Exercise in the morning can set your mood for the day. Even just 5 minutes can knock out the cobwebs and support focus.

One of my favorite artists is Rickie Byars. Her combination of Christian music and catchy chants are easy to learn and so uplifting for me.

Do you listen to music in the morning? What do you listen to? Please share how you use music in the morning to get your day going.

If you don’t listen to music, try it for a week instead of watching TV and see how you feel. You would be amazed at how it can change demeanor and set the tone for a great day.

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

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