Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

Routines and habits calm the mind

One of the most common complaints that I hear from my practice members is that they have so many responsibilities that their life has become overwhelming.  One of the consequences of overwhelm is stress and diminishing health. Another consequence is anxiety and depression.  

Overwhelm is not something to be taken lightly. The most prescribed drugs in the United States today are anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs. There is an antidote for overwhelm – it is to create healthy habits and routines.

Routines bring peace of mind. When you have routine, your mind doesn’t have to figure out every single step of your day, every day.  This relaxes your brain because it gets to go on autopilot for all of the activities that you have created a routine for. This stops the stress response and your body doesn’t release stress chemicals all day.

Routines allows us to learn to be still even when you are going through the motions of the activity.

Here is the most important thing when you create healthy routines – it programs your body and mind to have healthy habits automatically.  As a result, health gets programmed into your life. Let me give you an example. As my practice starting growing, I was spending more time in the office to handle the additional workload.  Does this sound familiar to you at all?

I started having to miss my yoga classes because I was in the office.  I actually started to lose muscle because I was not working out. I was concerned about this but I didn’t know what to do.  Then one of my friends asked me to join a 66-day challenge with her. She asked me what could I do for my challenge. I thought about it for a long time and then I told her I would commit to doing 15 minutes of yoga videos or 5 sun salutations every day.   Since that day, I have achieved that habit every day even when I am traveling. I discovered that creating a routine in the morning or when I get home from work before anything else works for me!

This is one of the ways I handled the overwhelm from work.  Routines create peace of mind. We are ready to help you create these healthy habits, rhythms and routines too!

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

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