Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

Keep your immune system strong & reduce your susceptibility.

As our cities begin opening up, many of my friends have voiced concerns about how we’re going to be able to reduce the spread of the virus to prevent another spike, and the implications that go along with that.

It is a good question that is probably on the minds of so many of you.

There are two ways that our behavior impacts the spread of the virus. We can:
1) Reduce our exposure to getting the virus and
2) Reduce our susceptibility to getting sick.

We’ve sheltered in place to reduce our exposure. We’ve social distanced, wore masks and washed our hands to reduce our exposure. And, as we go back out into the world, we need to continue to do all of these same things to reduce our exposure.

We reduce our susceptibility by addressing the underlying cause of chronic disease. Reducing chronic disease requires a simple step-by-step individualized approach for anyone that is dealing with diagnoses like high blood sugar, heart disease, lung disease, cancer, or strokes.

Along with working on eliminating chronic disease, we have to strengthen our immune systems. We have to give our immune system the building blocks it needs to fight off germs and viruses like COVID-19. This can be achieved through healthy eating, detox, exercise and appropriate rest. And sometimes, in addition, we need extra supplementation.

The truth is, even for those of us that are not dealing with chronic illness, we also need to keep our immune systems strong. I will let you in on a little secret that I have been doing for years. Whenever I have to travel on a plane, I whip myself up a formula and take it on the days I travel to support my immune system from the recirculating air. This was my extra protection from getting a cold, flu or virus from the plane.

What I am suggesting for you is the same thing I do, except that you begin taking something every day. The most challenging factor about this virus is that people can have no symptoms at all and still put you at risk. For that reason, I definitely suggest extra support over the next few months as we go from being sheltered at home to being out in the world with people practicing varying levels of exposure reducing practices.

In the early part of the pandemic. I started working on immune boosting options for my practice members and everything was gone! My response was to create a formula myself to help you strengthen you immune systems. I was able to create an immune boosting formula that could be taken every day along with your existing health routine.

As I shared with you earlier, this is the approach I’ve taken for many years. It is extremely important for me to reduce my susceptibility so I can serve you and my community. I am just letting you in on what works for me. If you want to learn more about our formula, more info is listed below or visit the HealthyDaes website.

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

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