Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

Here's what I posted on Instagram today​

OMG! I did this in my yoga practice today. I actually had some hang time in the handstand! No assists and no wall for support! It’s a testament to practice and an inner strength that comes through when you need it!  (By the way…No that is not me. It’s the video that I was watching that inspired me to try)

Here is why I am sharing this with you today.  I have been practicing yoga for 20 years and I have not been able to do a handstand without assistance, YET!  I continue to practice yoga because one, I love it, and two, because I know it is good for me.  It is a lifestyle practice that I am committed to.

This experience of mine is no different from when we work with our practice members and teach healthy lifestyle changes.  Sometimes we do lifestyle changes and they don’t seem like they are making any progress. Then, all of the sudden, you notice that you’ve made huge strides in your goals.  Perhaps you notice you can walk up the stairs without pain or feeling winded. Perhaps you notice you are not gassy or bloated anymore.  Perhaps you are able to come off of your medication.  Whatever your health goals are, they tend to happen incrementally and sustainably.

I am no different than you.  I also go through a range of emotions whenever I have to try something that is new or I think is hard.  This morning when I was taking this new class with Briohny Smyth, she mentioned that we would be doing handstand preparation, I didn’t really even pay attention.  Then when it was time to try a handstand, I had these thoughts:

  • My first thought was fear… “Oh no what happens if I go too high and I end up crashing on my back and hurting myself.”

  • Second thought… “I am actually doing this. I can’t believe it.  Will I stay up here forever?”

  • Third thought… “This is amazing!”

Then it was over, both feet were back on the ground and we were on to another pose like nothing happened.  But my mind was different because I knew something important happened. I had accomplished something because I was brave enough to try, despite previously thinking I would never be able to do.

Have you ever had similar thoughts? Perhaps you didn’t really believe you could achieve your goals?  There are so many people that I speak with every week that have the same first thought that I did… fear.  

Did you know that the difference between achieving a goal and staying in the same place is taking action?  When you take action your life changes.  

It is just a simple reminder that if you want different results, you have to take action. And that’s where we come in. We are here to support you in taking action to truly achieve your health goals.

I also want to do a quick plug for online learning.  I love yoga and would prefer to be in a class but today I learned how to do something while watching and participating in an online class.  We have been sharing our online classes as a part of our program for years.  I know some of you have fallen behind in your classes but I want you to know it is worth your time to find a few minutes every week to keep working towards achieving your goals!

You can achieve great things when you have created the foundations for a healthy lifestyle. Let us help you have your great moment, just like I did today!

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