This has been an extremely emotional week for me, like it has been for most Americans due to the social, emotional and political climate.
Perhaps you are having intense feelings right now. Anger, sadness, or frustration are just a few of the feelings that you might have experienced the last few days. Perhaps, if you are like me, you are toggling between many at one time.
I have cried in the shower more than once. I have shouted with friends to get it out. Why do I tell you about my crazy moments?
Here is the truth… if you have emotions, you need to allow yourself to truly feel your emotions. It is not healthy to keep them bottled up. When you keep emotions bottled up inside, it literally creates physical toxins in the body. SO, emotions have to first be acknowledged and, more importantly, they need to be released.
One of my mentors talked about taking the emotions and channeling them into something positive. He says it might not be easy but that is the work that we all must do right now.
If there is anything that I can offer you in the next few days it is to let yourself feel your deep emotions at this time. Then, find a way to release them into something positive. It will help stay as calm as you can during this time.
Breathing is one of the best ways to let your emotions come up and out. Do not be afraid to cry if you need. breathing and crying can be really healing at this time. Here is one of my favorite breathing techniques, which is perfect to use when experiencing strong emotions that you want dissipate in a healthy way.
To Your One Sweet Life,
Dr. Dae