Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

Do you want to be mediocre the rest of your life?

This week, we continue to look at the ’30 major causes of failure’ from the book Think and Grow Rich. The subtitle of the book is ‘how many of these are holding you back?’ One of the ’causes’ that stood out to me as one of the most detrimental is lack of ambition to aim above mediocrity.

To be mediocre is to be of low quality, low value, lower ability, or low performance. No one wants to be considered low quality! When you don’t shoot for anything better in your life, it is easy to get down and depressed. Lack of ambition is most certainly a byproduct of not achieving success and giving up. It is heartbreaking to see anyone who has experienced so much defeat that they are now simply aiming for mediocre.

I truly believe we are all put on this planet for a purpose. We each have a special purpose in life that only we can fulfill. If we don’t have our health we can’t fulfill our purpose. Think about it. When you are sick, do you feel like conquering the world or do you just want to shrink under the covers until you feel better?

Fighting against lack of ambition and fighting against mediocrity is one of the most important fights you will ever undertake. It also happens to be one of the fights that you often can’t do alone. Having a mentor or coach is essential, especially to help you remember your purpose and put your energy into breaking out of mediocrity.

Are you ready to have your life, purpose and passion back? Come let us work with you to re-ignite your health and your purpose!

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

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