Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

Blaming your family history for your poor health.

This week, I want to talk about unfavorable hereditary background.  As I mentioned last week, I have become fascinated with Napoleon Hill’s ‘30 major causes for failure’ from the book Think and Grow Rich.  What he is referring to is someone who is born with a mental deficiency. He mentions that it is the only ‘cause for failure’ on the list that may NOT be easily corrected.  As a way to overcome this deficiency, he does recommend creating a mastermind group to assist in the specific areas a person might be deficient.  

So how do I translate this into a lesson about health? Simple. Let’s talk about family history as it relates to hereditary background.  Family history is an excuse people use all the time as a reason why they can’t get better from a common illness, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, being overweight, or heart  disease.  Is family history a factor in our health?.. Yes! BUT it is only 5% of the reason of why we develop diseases. This might come as a shock to you but it true! There is a new area of science called epigenetics that studies our genes, the material that get from our family to understand what causes diseases to begin in our bodies.  The research has shown that our lifestyle – what we eat, how much sleep we get, how we manage stress and how much we move our bodies are much more powerful predictors of if we will develop the diseases of our family, than simply being part of that family and sharing their genes.

This can be seen as good news or terrible news.   This is terrible news for people that like to use excuses for why they are unhealthy and getting more unhealthy every year.  People who want to complain with their friends instead of getting their health back.

It is good news for anyone that has been searching for a blueprint of how to change their health and get their health back.  If you are one of these people that wants to get your health back, but doesn’t quite know what to do, we can help you develop a personalized road map to better health.  It is amazing how your life changes when you learn a few simple steps to begin working towards your greater goal of health and wellness. It is never too late to start.

Listen to our practice member Carolyn as she shares her story about how learning make simple changes for her health completely changed her life!

To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

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