Dr. Daemon Jones, Naturopathic Doctor

A refreshing twist on a summer soup

It is officially summer and, with temperatures in the mid 90s, I have been thinking about ways to stay cool. Here is my new favorite recipe for the summer! It’s a chilled Watermelon Soup with chile and lime.

I don’t usually make chilled soup but I love this recipe! It is simple with no cooking required. Watermelon is not only refreshing but also filled with lycopene, a phytonutrient that supports heart health, eye health, protects you from the sun and lowers the risk of certain cancers. It can be found in watermelons, pink grapefruit and tomatoes.

The other ingredients are full of healthy nutrients as well. The jalapeño peppers give a bit of heat and lime keeps it bright and fresh. You might be thinking that you don’t want to eat something that will ‘heat you up’ in the middle of summer. True, heat in food causes you to sweat, but sweating is the body’s way of cooling us down. It even improves circulation.

What I think is a secret ingredient is Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It is rich on monounsaturated oleic acid and considered one of the healthiest oils because it is so rich in antioxidants.

I am sharing this soup because it takes 5 minutes to make and is yummy for the whole family. In fact it is a great soup to get your kids involved in the kitchen, helping to be part of your meal.

CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL RECIPE on one of my favorite recipe websites, courtesy of Rebecca Katz.

Curious about how it’s made? Here is the video of me recently making it on Facebook Live.

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To Your One Sweet Life,

Dr. Dae

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